As the USC Career Center, it is our pleasure to serve USC’s 50,000 students and provide each student with tailored career resources and services.

Whether a student is selecting a major, looking for an internship, or pursuing that first professional position, we are here to help.

In collaboration with our office, USC provides specialized school-based services committed to the career development of each USC student. USC’s federated model of central and school-based career center partners offers a wide range of career services, such as general career development advice, industry-specific information, internship and job opportunities, programs, workshops, and networking connections. Students may seek assistance from both our office and their school-based career services offices or professionals.

In addition to connecting with advisors across campus as well as visiting our online resources in Handshake and the “Students” section of our website, students are encouraged to visit the Career Center YouTube channel to view our latest videos!

Preparing for Graduate Schools Fair

Attending a graduate schools fair can feel overwhelming — dozens of programs, admissions representatives, and conversations, all competing for your attention in just a few hours. If you’ve ever found yourself wandering from booth to booth, unsure of what to ask …

By Career Center
Career Center
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Should I Say I Have a Disability on a Job Application?

In recent years, many companies have become increasingly interested in reaching diversity goals but in practice not all of them are properly prepared to deal with diversity. This contradictory situation may leave you wondering, “Should I say I have a …

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Beware of Fake Job Interviews Delivering Malicious Video Conferencing Software

Cybersecurity researchers recently discovered a new scam targeting job seekers. Attackers are posing as potential employers and using fake job interviews to trick students into downloading malicious video conferencing software. Once installed, this software can give attackers control over your …

By Paolo Cantos
Paolo Cantos
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Online Resources

The USC Career Center offers multiple resources to help individuals explore their career opportunities. We have curated several of our favorite resources to help discover career paths, learn about internship positions, and find full-time jobs.


An overview of the services provided by the USC Career Center, including drop-in and appointment options, signature events, networking opportunities, …

Career Development Tools

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