« Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
The USC Career Center supports your diverse identities and experiences, regardless of your immigration status. Throughout your time at USC, you will explore your interests and passions to navigate your path forward. These resources will help guide your career interests while at USC and beyond.
USC Immigration Clinic
The USC Immigration Clinic, offered through the Gould School of Law, offers free, confidential consultations to the USC community. They offer free legal consultations and legal assistance to current students, staff, faculty, contract employees, and their family members. They also offer volunteer opportunities. For those looking to schedule an appointment, contact their office for more information.
Religious Life at USC
Connect with Vanessa Gomez brake, the Associate Dean of Religious Life at USC, and the point of contact for coordinating efforts and opportunities across campus that support immigrant and international students. She can connect you with resources regarding financial aid, academic and housing issues, and confidential advising.
Immigrants Rising
Immigrants Rising provides resources, knowledge, and financial support for immigrant entrepreneurs, regardless of legal status, at any stage of their journey. They empower undocumented young people to achieve educational and career goals through personal, institutional, and policy transformation.
United We Dream
UWD empowers people to develop their leadership, their organizational skills, and to develop their own campaigns to fight for justice and dignity for immigrants and all people. This is achieved through immigrant youth-led campaigns at the local, state, and federal levels.