Many Trojans dedicate time to employment during their academic journey at USC, which may involve part-time, full-time, or paid internship opportunities. Some of these opportunities may result in the first time students are issued tax documents and required to file a tax return.
This article is meant to give general information regarding tax filing and the resources available to USC students should they need assistance navigating the process.
The deadline to file a tax return for the 2023 income year is Monday, April 15, 2024.
In addition to these resources, consider reaching out to family, friends, or those you feel comfortable discussing financial topics with, as they may be able to share their experiences and resources and refer you to tax professionals who have assisted them with their tax-related needs.
Campus Resources
USC Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA): USC VITA is a student-run organization that provides free tax assistance to families and students with moderate to low incomes in the Central Los Angeles community.
VITA utilizes a “walk-in” system on Zoom from Monday-Wednesday and offers in-person services on Friday and Saturday (10:00 AM – 2:00 PM). Visit their website for more information.
Refer to VITA’s client page for eligibility, instructions, documentation, and reminders.
International Student Resources:
The USC Office of International Services offers various resources for USC’s International Student population including the promotion of webinars for International Students with Sprintax.
As we begin to look forward to the coming tax season ahead, Sprintax will host a series of information webinars about nonresident tax, dedicated for the international community.
These open informational sessions will begin on March 5, 2024, and run through to the filing deadline on April 15, 2024.
Be Aware of Tax Scams
The USC Department of Public Safety (DPS) has provided advice and tips for students and scholars to avoid common scams.
Additional Resources