Explore Career Development Timelines

First Year

Students need time to transition from high school to college. Because first semester grades will affect their overall GPA, students should take the first semester to focus on academics and campus life. Students should register on connectSC and connect with their school-based career center to get familiar with services, resources, and events. We encourage students to explore career resources during their second semester to investigate what we do and how we can help.

Goals for the spring of the first year:

Second Year

During their second year, students should explore their interests and test their perceptions of career fields. By sophomore year, students should start to feel more comfortable with their program of study. Students should begin mastering the skill of research while completing class projects and use these research skills to manage “project me.”

Goals for the second year:

Third Year

During their third year, students should start exploring options for life after college. Many students struggle with finding “what they want to do.” We understand that making such a big decision can be overwhelming. Career advisors in the school-based career centers and the Career Center specialize in facilitating these discussions with students and providing resources to help students explore potential career options.

Goals for the third year:

Fourth Year

The senior year is a time for students to make tangible connections between their academics and extra-curricular and work experiences. Some students may be undecided. Other students will return from the summer with full-time job offers from internships. Some students may feel they are out of the loop and falling behind. We are here to help!

Goals for the fourth year:

Note:  Employer and industry hiring cycles vary. Some employers (large and in industries like investment banking, consulting, big tech, and accounting) secure full-time hires through summer internship programs, and they use the fall semester to recruit seniors for remaining full-time openings and juniors for summer internships. Other employers (small to medium-sized and in industries like non-profits, communication, entertainment, and real estate) hire throughout the year, often in the spring when they have a better sense of summer and full-time employment needs.

After graduation, students may utilize the Career Center as recent graduates and alumni. The Career Center offers USC Alumni a lifelong and worldwide USC Alumni Career Program.

Please encourage your students to visit the Career Center YouTube channel to view our latest videos!