Navigating Professional Conferences

A conference is a meeting of people who come together to participate in presentations, workshops, and network opportunities. Attending a conference is a great way to gain skills and knowledge and create meaningful connections with others in your industry of interest. Students can attend conferences regionally or nationally throughout the year. In this article, you will learn how to prepare for a professional conference and other tips that could help you navigate your first conference. 

Create a List of Goals

  • Before attending the conference, create a list of goals you want to achieve and do your research on what the conference is about. Ask yourself: How do you find a conference you would like to attend? Why would you like to attend? What is your goal? What topics are you interested in? There are ways to find a conference whether it is a professional association, faculty, colleague, etc. You could find conferences through social media, an organization you are a part of, an internship, job sites, or through your network. Take a look at the conference workshops, sessions, and activities you would like to attend. Create a list of professionals or attendees that you would like to make a connection with and have it as a priority.

Dress to Impress

  • When you prepare for a conference, keep your attire professional and wear business casual. Be intentional about your clothing. Wear something that you feel confident and comfortable with. Make sure you are wearing comfortable shoes. You may stand up and walk around more than you think. (Katen, 2020) 


  • Meeting new people can be intimidating, but it is a great way to expand your network. Whether you’re an introvert or extrovert, make meaningful connections. A great way to network could be by preparing your elevator pitch. An elevator pitch is a 30-second self introduction including some key points about yourself, which is a good way for someone to get to know you and for you to get to know someone else. You could also prepare some sample questions you may want to ask. The benefits of networking at a conference are expanded knowledge of your industry, connections for future positions, and finding a mentor. Here is a video example of how to network:

Be Yourself 

  • The best way to introduce yourself is to be yourself and be authentic. You are building a connection with presenters and attendees who would like to get to know you more. 

Take Notes 

  • Notes are crucial when identifying new ideas, solutions, or skills you like to apply to your job or internship. After networking with professionals, take notes of conversations you have made. Keep notes that can help you recall information. The purpose of taking notes is to connect with people in the future. You could use notes to bring back to your job, internship, or academic program.


  • Connect with presenters and attendees on LinkedIn and ask for their business cards or contact information so you can follow up and stay in touch. Send a thank you email post-conference.
By Keily Molina
Keily Molina