The Call of Duty Endowment uses a performance-driven approach to fund organizations delivering the highest standards of quality and cost-efficient veteran job placement services. In addition to supporting its grantees, the Endowment is committed to highlighting high performance in the veteran employment space through its Seal of Distinction program. It provides both a $30,000 prize and national recognition to winners of the award.
- Who We Serve
- Explore Industries
- Accounting
- Advertising, Marketing, and PR
- Architecture, Construction, and Design
- Business Management and Administration
- Computer Science and Information Technology
- Consulting and Finance
- Data Science, Statistics, and Artificial Intelligence
- Education and Research
- Engineering
- Environment and Sustainability
- Entertainment, Media, and Communications
- Government, Non-Profit, and Public Administration
- Health and Life Sciences, Biotech, and Pharmaceuticals
- International Opportunities
- Law, Policy, and Social Justice
- Performing and Visual Arts
- Events & News
- Career Planning
- Career Outcomes
- Connect With Us