
We host several career fairs each year. Career fairs are a great way for recruiters to meet talented USC students. Our career fairs include opportunities for full-time, part-time, and paid internship positions. Career fairs are for all currently enrolled USC students and alumni. Want to maximize your time at the fair? Check out our recruiting tips, below. Looking for more ways to engage with and recruit USC students? Many schools and units at USC host their own industry-specific career fairs and events, available below.

Review Recruiting Tips  Other Campus Career Fairs and Events

Want to attend our career fairs for free? Join our Partner Program at the Gold or Platinum Level to take advantage of this benefit.

Have a career-related event for our calendar?

Please complete the form linked below. Note: only scheduled/confirmed events can be posted. Do not submit tentative events. Event venue must be reserved prior to submission.

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