USC Career Services has officially transitioned to Handshake as of July 1, 2024. connectSC is no longer accessible for all audiences. Learn more

Resources for Veterans On & Off-Campus

In the pursuit of higher education, veteran students encounter unique challenges stemming from their military service. Recognizing the distinctive needs of this demographic, this article serves to outline the diverse range of resources available to veteran students both on and off campus.

By Sarah Ju
Sarah Ju
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Tips to Find an On-Campus Job (From a USC Career Center Intern)

Discover valuable tips for securing that coveted on-campus job at USC from the perspective of a USC Career Center Intern.

By Emily Quintanilla
Emily Quintanilla
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Introducing Headshots to Handshakes

Beginning Oct. 19, the USC Career Center will launch its newest career-focused program: Headshots to Handshakes. The program’s goal is to teach all USC students how to network, improve their personal brand, and tap into the University’s extensive alumni family …

By Emily Quintanilla
Emily Quintanilla
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Online Resources

The USC Career Center offers multiple resources to help individuals explore their career opportunities. We have curated several of our favorite resources to help discover career paths, learn about internship positions, and find full-time jobs.


An overview of the services provided by the USC Career Center, including drop-in and appointment options, signature events, networking opportunities, …

Career Development Tools

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